Last weekend I spent a couple of days filming a small role in the indie movie, "Ladybeard." This weekend, you can do the same.
Director David Smith is looking for extras for a couple of scenes. You get to show up, sit in the audience at a talent show and also at a weding, and there might even be free cake involved.
Let me quote from the Facebook event page, "Want to be in a movie? Apartment 2B needs extras for two scenes in our new movie Ladybeard! We need extras of all ages to watch a church talent show and dance at a wedding reception. We're filming at First Congregational UCC, across from the court house in Huntington, starting at noon."
Let's hear from David directly...
RFC 150
Hey, I finally got the damned thing finished!
Read the full production notes here, and come back Sunday for RFC's first episode, remastered. Radio Free Charleston 151 will be posted here in PopCult early next week.
IWA East Coast "Extreme Dreams"
It was a wild night in Nitro last Saturday as IW East Coast returned with an amazing night of professional wrestling. IWA EC founding father, Mad Man Pondo, faced ECW legend, Tommy Dreamer, and another ECW legend, Shane "The Franchise" Douglas,was a shocking surprise opponent for 2 Tuff Tony. Let's go to the photos...
[caption id="attachment_7603" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Zac Vincent debuts a new look and a vicious streak to get the win over fan favorite Smokey C"]
[caption id="attachment_7604" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Smokey C gets the drop on Vincent."]
[caption id="attachment_7605" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Viper enters the ring."]
[caption id="attachment_7606" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Viper tries to beat some respect into The Reaper Matt Conard, even going as far as trying to use a bear trap on him before picking up the win."]
[caption id="attachment_7607" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chance Prophet finally debuts for IWA East Coast ."]
[caption id="attachment_7608" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Prophet gets the win over Omega Aaron Draven after interference by the rest of the In Crowd. "]
[caption id="attachment_7609" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption=" Chance then takes the opportunity and accepts In Crowd’s open challenge for their tag titles later ."]
[caption id="attachment_7610" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Unfortunately Matt Tremont has a serious illness and was unable to compete in his match with 2 Tuff Tony, but IWA EC still had an opponent for him, former ECW champion Shane Douglas!"]
[caption id="attachment_7611" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Douglas, who began his career in Poca almost thirty years ago, took some time to insult the crowd."]
[caption id="attachment_7612" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Early on, Douglas had the upper hand over 2 Tuff Tony."]
[caption id="attachment_7614" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Then the tables turned."]
[caption id="attachment_7615" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Douglas begs for mercy."]
[caption id="attachment_7616" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="After a flying body block on a folding chair, In a pure brawl Tony knocked out The Franchise with his infamous flaming punch!"]
[caption id="attachment_7617" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Douglas complained bitterly."]
[caption id="attachment_7618" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Bulldozer enters the ring."]
[caption id="attachment_7619" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Jason Kincaid put up a valiant effort."]
[caption id="attachment_7620" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Bulldozer continues Jason “The Gift” Kincaid’s massive losing streak. Mid-match Dirk Extreme joins the commentary team and says that under his guidance Kincaid could live up to his star potential."]
[caption id="attachment_7621" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="In Crowd on their way to the ring' awaiting Chance Prophet and his mystery partner for their open challenge."]
[caption id="attachment_7622" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chance makes his entrance and out next is IWA East Coast fan favorite Juggulator! "]
[caption id="attachment_7623" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The team, Murder Death Kill is reunited to challenge for the IWA EC tag team belts."]
[caption id="attachment_7624" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The In Crowd's mastermind, Woody Numbers, executes a five-man electric chair."]
[caption id="attachment_7625" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="This reunion of Murder.Death.Kill adds The In Crowd to their legendary body count by ending their nearly two year long tag title reign!"]
[caption id="attachment_7626" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mad Man Pondo enters the ring with Crazy Mary."]
[caption id="attachment_7627" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Tommy Dreamer."]
[caption id="attachment_7628" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="It begins."]
[caption id="attachment_7629" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Kendo stick time!"]
[caption id="attachment_7630" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mad Man Pondo defeats Tommy Dreamer in the kind of match you would expect from the two most innovative men in hardcore wrestling. Ladders, tables, stop signs and everything else you could imagine."]
[caption id="attachment_7631" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The evening ended with a show of mutual respect."]
Controversy Section
[caption id="attachment_7632" align="alignright" width="220" caption="Sometimes a cartoonishly huge phallus is just a cigar."]
The internet has been filled with controversies this week, and for no particular reason, I'm going to make superficial comments on some of them. One of them is a cowardly blindish item, because I don't want to be harrassed by anyone sympathetic to the person I'm talking about.
Rush Limbaugh decided to do a bit on his show about the testimony before Congress by Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown Law student who spoke about her experiences in dealing with her school's mandated healthcare system.
It's painfully obvious that Limbaugh did not watch Fluke's testimoy, nor did he bother to even learn what it was about. He completely misrepresented the entire point of the hearing, made up false facts and attacked her for things that she did not say. And he spent three days doing it. He has since apologized for two of the words he used during his three-day rant, which ended with a public rape fantasy about Fluke. Well, he apologized "if I offended anyone."
[caption id="attachment_7633" align="alignleft" width="220" caption="Hey, look who's blowing hot air!"]
And now he's losing advertisers at an astonishing rate.
In what has to be the most pathetic attempt at "Gotcha" journalism, the pro-Limbaugh troops have rallied to Facebook to call out any Limbaugh critic who didn't condemn Bill Maher or others when they said bad things about Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann. This misses the point so badly that it's embarrassing. First, many, many people did condemn Maher for their use of slurs. Second, it still doesn't excuse what Limbaugh did.
The salient point here is that Limbaugh went on the air and spent several days telling outright lies about Fluke. He also demonstrated a laughable lack of knowledge about how the birth control pill works. The man apparently thinks that a woman has to take a pill every time she has sex. He's clueless to the fact that the pill has to be taken every day, regardless of whether or not the woman is having sex. That a man can live to his age and not have the slightest inkling how most women practice birth control is astounding.
But the fact is this: Rush Limbaugh went on the air, told outright falsehoods, coupled that with an amazing display of ignorance, twisted and spun his version of the story to support his political views and in the process defamed and demeaned an innocent person.
That should not be a surprise. He's been doing exactly that, on every topic, for twenty-two years. He is the Pied Piper of ignorance and intolerance.
[caption id="attachment_7635" align="alignright" width="220" caption="Wait 'til you see the LOL Cats take on Kony. He won't know what hit him!"]
Next up we have the KONY campaign. This is an attempt to shine light on the horrible situation with the Lord's Resistance Army, and the genocide and atrocities that they have been wreaking on Uganda for many years. How do they plan to bring an end to this horror? By making LRA leader Joseph Kony into some sort of celebrity. They plan to make him famous in the hope that his heightened profile will spur people into action against him.
I admire their goal of bringing down Kony and ending the LRA's reign of terror. I just don't see how turning into some sort of cross between Kim Kardashian and Che Guevera is going to stop him. When I found out what this campaign was about, I nearly broke my glasses with my palm.I'm sure the brutal mass murderer will be stopped now that he's become a meme.
I would love to be proven wrong about this, but my gut reaction is that this is naïveté on an almost painful level. They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Evidently, so is the road to stupidity.
Finally, there's a notable internet figure that died last week. He was a right-wing smear merchant who concocted media stunts that brought down an organization that did good deeds, and he got a woman unjustly fired by circulating a heavily-edited video of one of her speeeches. This fella passed away at the shockingly young age of 43.
[caption id="attachment_7636" align="alignright" width="220" caption="I'm not going to run a picutre of the dead guy, but his birth father was supposed to be an Irish Musician, so here's Van Morrison."]
The initial reports are that it was "natural causes." That doesn't sound right, a 43-year-old man dropping dead while out for a walk. There was a rumor that he collapsed walking home after a coke binge during an alternative-lifestyle orgy, but that was quickly disputed. The fact is, this man had been sick for some time. His friends have come forth with many stories about how he'd been in bad shape for months. He'd had a trip to the ER, and had a couple of episodes of public incoherence lately.
However it happened, it's a shame when somebody that young dies. It's even more of a shame when his death makes so many people happy. While this nameless dude has been hailed as a hero and a patriot by a tiny, twisted minority, he was widely despised by most decent folk. I can't remember a recent notable death that made so many people gleeful. Well, Osama Bin Laden...maybe.
It's sad that his kids will have to grow up living in the shadow of his legacy of bad deeds, but more tragically, they will have to grow up with the knowledge that their dad, knowing full well that he was in failing health, chose to travel all over the country keeping what has been described by his friends as "an insane pace of work, partying and muckraking," rather than stop his "mission" and slow down to make sure that he could be around to watch his children grow up.
His legacy is one of bad actions and horribly misplaced priorities.
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