Sunday, February 25, 2007

Song and Video of the Week: “Writing’s Hard”


Here's a special bonus RFC song.  Just about 27 hours before this message is being posted, we recorded Parkersburg singer/songwriter John Radcliff at LiveMix Studio for episode 16 of Radio Free Charleston.  Some of you old-timers may remember John's amazing guitar work with The Swivel Rockers, Feast of Stephen and The Mad Scientist Club.   About six years ago, he started writing and singing his own material, and I was blown away by the quality of his tunesmithery.

This song, "Writing's Hard" is not going to be on Radio Free Charleston.   John gave us such a wealth of material that we have plenty left over, so you'll get this "bonus" cut, and probably another one as episode 16 approaches.  Which at this point looks to be March 12.  Our crew for this shoot was Melanie Larch and myself on camera, Brian Young with his masterful sound design, and John Radcliff, singing and playing his music all over the studio (this song was recorded in the kitchen). 

 So enjoy this little treat, and get ready for episode 15 of RFC on Monday, featuring The Heydays and Appalachian Celtic Consort, plus a very special Pentagram Flowerbox.  Plus, don't forget to check out John's blog.


Radio Free Charleston » The Guitar Lounge News said...

[...] Update II 02/25/07: The video for Writing is Hard is up here at PopCult. Thanks again for the kind word Rudy! [...]

PopCult » Blog Archive » Sweet Sixteen Production Notes said...

[...] Longtime followers of the local music scene may remember John from his days as the ace guitar god for such bands as The Swivel Rockers, Feast Of Stephen, and The Mad Scientist Club.  John’s relocated to Parkersburg, and has recently shifted his musical focus from just playing guitar to writing and singing his own songs.  And they are great songs.   Rad drove down from Parkersburg and graced the LiveMix Studio with seven great original tunes.  You can see and hear “Writing’s Hard” here.  On RFC we are treated to the Andy Partridge-esque “Rainbows.”   Radcliff will be the first person to appear on consecutive episodes of RFC, as he’s back next time with another killer song. [...]