Thursday, September 28, 2006

Radio Free Charleston Trailer

UPDATED: Episode Six of Radio Free Charleston is online NOW! Follow this link.

The new Radio Free Charleston, episode six, "Chris Hero Shirt," will go online in a matter of hours. Until then, sate your RFC addiction by repeatedly watching the trailer above. Then go buy RFC merchandise at our store, and sign up to be a friend at our mySpace page.

Dip-ta, dip-ta...yahooo!


Anonymous said...

Phenomenal. This show made transported me back 25 years. I felt like I was watching "Night Flight" on acid again. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

Despite the clumsy wording, I did not mean to imply that I am on acid at the moment.

Cool show! You guys have really hit your stride.

Anonymous said...

This was your weirdest and bestest show yet! I really liked the bands, and the No Pants Players were really, really funny this time. Silly bulls cracked me up, too. I'll probably walk around saying "butt boy butt boy butt boy" for the next few days.

Can't wait for the next show. Keep up the excellent work.

Anonymous said...

Professor Mike Rules!

U got the best local music show in town, dudes.

Anonymous said...

SPECTACULAR SHOW! We want more Professor Mike. The rest was great, too.

Anonymous said...

Good show. PM ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

This show is nifty with a capital NIF!

Anonymous said...

Great show. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I liked what I saw of the show, but it took forever to load. Kept hanging up on me.

Anonymous said...

Another Butt-kickin' show. Great live band, and I love the weird video stuff. Any chance of this turning up on real TV? It's hella better than anything on MyZ.

Anonymous said...

Kool 2 See Professor Mike. I like this show.

Anonymous said...

Fun show. Can't believe six of these were made before I found out about it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful program. You are a kindred spirit.

Anonymous said...

You've got a great show, but you need to show more of the toys. The bands and the comedy are okay, but the toys are the real attraction.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you present the bands. I've been watching this horrible show on WQCW that just goes into some seedy club and records local bands. They make them all sound the same--awful! Professor Mike was on that show and sounded like crap. Now I can see that the band is actually smokin'. It's the lousy way they run sound on the other show. You just can't barge into a club and set up a camera. But then, you guys must know that. Keep up the good work, and keep digging up the best local bands. Work won't let us all get out to the clubs, and the shows that tape them in clubs just don't know what they're doing.

I like the weird stuff on the show, too. Been catching up on your archives all weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Radio Free lets you here the band the way they sound best. I was really disappointed when they were on MonkeyBar Live. Instead of making the bands sound good, they just use them as filler between the idiot comedy bits and film of drunken morons. PM really rocks, and you can tell on this show.