Monday, August 28, 2006

PopCult Is One Year Old!

To celebrate, I'm going to revisit a few memorable posts from the last year, and tell you about the new PopCult and Radio Free Charleston CafePress stores, but for now, Let's go all the way back to the very first post. You can see it right here.

Not much, was it? But at least it was mildly amusing, and that should count for something. I'm shooting for ten posts today, just to see how much of a strain I can put on the Blogger interface. Cut yourself a piece of virtual cake (it's orange cake with milk chocolate icing), pull up a chair and enjoy!

By happy coincidence, PopCult shares it's birthday with comics legend Jack Kirby! You can read about Jack Kirby Day at Mark Evanier's blog.

Thanks for sticking around this long. If you're looking for the link to the latest episode of Radio Free Charleston, you can find it here. It's been a kick, the way this blog has evolved over the last year. Who would have thought that after spending ten years making a point of not having any photos of myself on the internet, I'd be hosting an internet video show? Let's dive into the self-indulgent semi-nostalgia.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first year of PopCult. Here's hoping for many more!

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I check it every day. Never commented until now, but it's a must-read for me.

Anonymous said...

Damn You! It's taking me all day to read these new posts and then read all the links!

Good job. Here's to many more years of PopCult.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your blog and podcast are real treasures.

Anonymous said...

Happy blog-birthday. Impressive amount of posts for the day. Your T-shirts look tempting. Any word on the quality? Keep up the great work! And keep going with Radio Free Charleston!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's been a year already? It just seems like a month since I stumbled onto this blog back in late July.

Good stuff.

--the debbil