Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Song Of The Week: "Shingles And Tar"

As promised here, this week's Song Of The Week is "Shingles And Tar" by Three Bodies, one of the mainstays of Radio Free Charleston. From a batch of demos co-produced by Three Bodies, Spencer Elliott, and me, this one was my baby. I contributed ideas for the backing vocals, effects, and arranged the starts and stops near the end. Despite my contributions, the song was yet another mini-masterpiece by Kris Cormandy, Brian Lucas, and Brian Young. There is a story behind the lyrics, but it's faded from my memory over the last 16 years.

The images are taken from flyers I did for the band back in 1990. Above, you see that I couldn't resist the temptation to colorize one of them. The image at left shows that, before the days when I assaulted photographs digitally with my computer, my weapons of choice were Xerox machines and Sharpees.

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