The set is claustrophobic: They were evidently limited by the size of the room, but the cameras are far too close to the on-air talent, and the lighting is atrocious. The newscast looks like it's being broadcast from somebody's living room. I think they need to find a new studio with adequate space.

For God's sake get Scott Roberts a desk! The poor guy has no idea what to do with himself as he stands there giving the sports report. He fidgets, keeps glancing down at his notes, and winds up dancing around the set like a lummox. Scott's a likeable guy, well-known to area fans. Don't make him look like an idiot.
To whomever is writing the copy for the anchors to read: West Virginia State University offers classes in writing for television. If you're not willing to take a class, at least take some advice: read your copy aloud to see if it sounds natural coming out of somebody's mouth. I've watched your poor anchors stumble over some of the most poorly-written links and teases that I've ever heard. If they're writing the copy themselves, they have no one to blame, but if somebody else is doing it, they need help, quick.

The McGee Factor: Finally, Tom McGee......he's actually doing great. Despite all his well-documented off-screen bad behavior, the man can deliver on camera. Even when he's delivering copy that appears to be written at a fifth-grade level, he does his best to make it work. His other anchor and the rest of the reporters are green as hell, but the only way to overcome that is to go out there every day and do their jobs.
I sort of want to root for this newscast. It doesn't have the questionable, corporate-ordered ideological bias of WCHS or WOWK, and it's cool to have a newscast originating from the West Side. But they really need to work on the technical issues, and let their staff grow into their jobs. I just don't know if they've produced a professional enough product to compete with the other stations.
Tomorrow: The Rant that dare not speak its name (that means I haven't decided which one to do yet).
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